Denali, Alaska We are going out strong on this mini series with one of the jewels of Alaska – Denali National Park and Preserve. Tundra, taiga, glacier, permafrost, wildlife, North-America’s tallest mountain – you name it, Denali has it all!
Related: ‘Our Alaska Adventure – Denali to Kenai’
Charming, green shuttle buses
Denali has more than 400.000 visitors annually – so understandable you are not allowed to drive the Denali Park Road yourself, except from the first 15 miles that are paved. Allowing that would probably mean chaos and unnecessary wear and tear on the park and increased risk for the wildlife that often walks on the road. Instead you rely on shuttle busses or arranged guided tours. We decided to use the ‘charming’ green shuttle buses. The shuttle buses will stop at animal sightings if someone shouts ‘Stop the bus!’ and the driver usually provides some guiding over the load speaker as well. There are two planned rest stops where you can stretch your legs and use the rest room. You can get on and off the shuttle buses as you wish, there is one running every half hour to hour so you should’t have to wait to long for the next bus to pick you up should you decide to get off. But remember that once you get off you are out in the wild (bear spray recommended)!
The Park Road
The park road is fairly long, from east to west it measures 91 miles, all the time you will have the Alaska range south of you. The end of the road is at Wonder Lake (mile 85) and Kantishna (mile 89), you should estimate 6 hours one way to get to Kantishna. The road is only paved until mile 15, after that it is a dirt road. As we wanted to include a short hike we decided to get off at the stop at Eielson Visitor Center which is at mile 66. But much happened before we reached Eielson!
Mile 37 – Grizzlies!
We see the first grizzlies! It was an amazing encounter with a mother and her two cubs. We first spotted them on the hill side eating berries. Suddenly the mother started chasing a little ground squirrel or similar! You’d be amazed when you see how fast these bear can be. I’m not sure if she got it or not as she disappeared behind some bushed before she and both cubs crossed the bus in front of us and continued the berry feast on the opposite side of the road.
Mile 46 – Polychrome Pass
The next stunning experience was Polychrome Pass which is a narrow section of the park road with a long steep drop on one side of the road, I definitely had butterflies in my tummy driving through the pass! The bus stopped at Polychrome Overlook where we enjoyed the beautiful view over colourful rocks that surrounds you and the tundra below you.
Mile 50 – Denali
Our first view of Denali “the tall one” in the far distance, beautiful with its snow capped top! We were lucky to see it – only 30% of the visitors see the summit. The mountain is 6168m tall (above 20,000′) and our driver Ned said it seems like the mountain makes it own weather system and the summit is more often than not covered by clouds.
Mile 66 – Hiking Thorofare Ridge
If you are lucky and it is a clear day Denali (formerly Mt.McKinely) dominates the view from Eielson Visitor Center at mile 66. The visitor centre itself is built ‘into’ the tundra to make it blend with the landscape. There are park rangers here that will answer you questions and there are several options for day hikes from the visitor centre. The shuttle buses were based on old school buses that definitely served their purpose. Shaken and to prevent sleeping limbs we got off at mile 66 and hiked up to Thorofare Ridge which is on the north side of the visitor centre. From the ridge you have unprecedented views of the Alaska Range, Mt Denali and the west side of Denali National Park. The hike is a bit steep, but fairly short and rewarding. Maybe you’ll make friends with one of the local ground squirrels on the top. You need 2-2.5 hours on a return hike, and that includes plenty of time for enjoying the view and photographing Mt Denali.
On the return – Dall Sheep
On the return we hit the jackpot with wildlife sightings. We had seen lots of Dall Sheep on the way to Eielson Visitor Center, but they where only small white dots far up in the mountain side. But on the return just after Toklat River rest stop we spotted these white sheep in the mountain cliffs above the park road. They were probably as close as 50-75 meter away.
On the finishing line – Moose and Reindeer
On the last stretch before we reached Denali Visitor Center again we came across some beautiful reindeer close to the road. We had seen lots of them, but none that were this close to the road. In addition the sun had started to dip at this time and we got a great picture of ‘reindeer in sunset’. In the end we saw four out of the ‘big five’ in Denali – bear, moose, sheep and reindeer. The wolf was the only one who stayed elusive to us.
Denali exceeded our expectations, we can whole heartedly recommend visiting it! The next time we go here we hope to have more time so we can camp in the park, spend a few nights the lodge at Kantishna and do some longer wilderness hikes!
Thanks for following ‘Our Alaska Adventure – Denali to Kenai’
We stayed at the back of the park and were hesitant about the 6 hr bus ride but it was the best way to see the animals in the park. thanks for the photos.
Agreed, the bus ride was a bit bumpy and somewhat long – but it was definitely worth it! We were amazed over how close we came up to the wildlife on the travel into the park. Still regret that we didn’t spend a night in the park itself at Wonderlake, next time I guess!
Wow! What an amazing journey! The animal pics are fantastic!
The wildlife in Denali was absolutely amazing:) We were very happy with all the pictures as well, thanks for the generous comment!
So THAT’S what Denali looks like from the road! We were part of the 70% who saw clouds.
We were lucky enough to get a really clear day on our last day in Anchorage, and we were able to see the top of it off in the distance.
Thanks for the great photos, Inger!
I always read and answer comment on my blogs, it is one of the pleasures of having a blog – communicating with others! Seems like this one has slipped passed me some how!
We only saw Denali the one day, but it was beautiful:) You are supposed to be able to see it when you drive up the Parks Highway but we didn’t see a glimpse of it either on our way up to Denali or back again. But the day we went into Denali we got lucky! But only for a short period, where we were lucky to get a picture. When we got further into the park the top was covered in clouds again:)
I grew up in AK, your pics bring back memories!
Must have been pretty amazing growing up in AK! I’m sure you’ll recognise most of the locations in our Alaska posts:) Why did you decide to leave?
xo xo Inger
Amazing trip!
Thank you! It really was – once in a lifetime experience!
xo xo Inger
It looks like a wonderful national park ! I like the shuttle system, it’s essential if you have that amount of visitors and if you want to preserve the nature.
It was great, loved all the colours there in fall. And I absolutely agree, it would be chaos if everyone were allowed to drive in. They do actually have a ‘lottery’ every year where a certain amount if people win the opportunity to drive into the park themselves at the tail end of the season. That is probably pretty amazing too! Thanks for reading!
xo xo Inger
It is! I didn’t know that lottery system exist ! It makes sense, at the end of the season, there is less chance to do damages to growing plants, like in spring. I’m waiting so eagerly for the next bit, and I’ve seen you’ve just posted it ! yay !!!
Wildlife seem very diverse out there, great to see. Great shots of the Dall sheep!
I have to agree – the wildlife was great! We also saw red fox and off course lots of birds. There is also Lynx in the park, but very few people see them. We didn’t, but we were very happy anyways! It was great getting that close to the Dall Sheep! Was very happy we had invested in a zoom lens before the trip!
Thanks for stopping by!
xo xo Inger
Just noticed, there was a tiny mammal in that photo with you! Ha, is that a pika? So cute
Oh no, it’s a ground squirrel…
I am not 100% sure what it is to be honest, I thought it was a ground squirrel:) Seems like it enjoyed having company.
Your photos are absolutely amazing! I would love to visit Alaska one day. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you! We really enjoyed all the photo opportunities on this trip, they were endless! I would really recommend visiting Alaska – it was one of our best vacations so far!! Thanks for reading!
xo xo inger
Sounds like an awesome trip, you guys really lucked out! That’s great you saw Denali and just about all of the iconic Alaskan animals. A lot of people don’t get to see Dall Sheep, I still haven’t even seen one closer than a dot on a mountain yet. I did the Denali road lottery back in September 2013. It was a great way to see the park but being cooped up in a car that long was tough. We got a bonus on the way back to our campsite though, we got to see a Lynx. Although, it ran out into the road in front of our car so it scared the crap out of us haha but it was awesome. We spoke with a park ranger later who said it’s really rare to see a Lynx. Looking forward to your next AK post!
We were really ecstatic getting that close to the Dall Sheep! Picture probably lies a bit as it was taken with a zoom lens, but they were still very close! We saw a lot of them as you describe ‘white dots’ in the mountain sides and assumes we would get any closer – so what great surprise when we did get close!
I have read about the road lottery, must have been great to go at your own pace through the park! Its a long ride, but probably a bit more comfortable than the green shuttle buses…hehe:) And how amazing that you saw a Lynx! I don’t think many people have seen one – they are pretty elusive!
Thanks for reading!
xo xo Inger
I’m envious you saw that Dall sheep. That reindeer had a huge rack of antlers. The poor thing: it’s probably getting too heavy for its whole body and can’t move as quickly /fight efficiently with its rack.
I am just thrilled we came that close to the Dall sheep. It is definitely a moment I will treasure:) Yes – I was impressed with the size of the antlers on the reindeer / caribou (not sure which term they prefer). Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, Jean! Inger
Great tour! Thanks for taking me there
Bye. K
Thanks for stopping by Kamila!
That was an amazing tour, I think going on the bus is a good idea you both get to see the amazing views instead of one having to concentrate on the road. Did you worry about bears on the 2.5 trek?
The bus us a great idea, and I believe also a necessity to preserve wildlife in the park. With the poor road condition, narrow road and all the wildlife along the road if would probably be caos if everyone were allowed to drive themselves. There is only one weekend a year you are allowed to drive into the park yourself, and that is the closing weekend before winter. To be able to do the drive you have to participate in a car lottery where some lucky winners are drawn and allowed to drive into the park.
Since we live in Alberta we are used to hiking in bear country so we didn’t really see that as a concern on the short hike. We had our bear spray with us as usual, but didn’t see any bears on the hike. It was also several other on the trail so the bears probably stay away from the trail:)
Thanks for taking the time read and comment!
The Denali Park road is one of the great experiences in the USA. You were lucky to see all those animals and the mountain all in the same trip. Glad you enjoyed.
I believe you saying it is one of the great experiences in the USA. It was quite an experience for us! We felt very privileged get so close to grizzlies, all sheep and caribou. I was a happy camper that day!
Thanks for taking the time to comment:)
Your photos rock! Such beauty in Alaska. We did this. Denali is pretty spectacular! We stayed at that cabin place at the end and had some fun adventures, and then a crazy man flew us back over the top of Denali. He was the only crazy pilot we have met in Alaska. We are fortunate.
Thanks a bunch Cindy! I am glad you had the opportunity to explore Denali as well. I’d love to go back to spend more time there. I might stay away from that crazy pilot though:)
Fantastic tour of Denali, Inger. I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying Denali and the green bus, and you did an excellent job of giving an overview. How fortunate you were able to see the Dall sheep so close. And your photos, as always, were remarkable.