Icefields Parkway is without exaggeration one of the most beautiful stretches of road I know of. I was excited to spend the day with my new D750 along this parkway connecting Lake Louise and Jasper.
Herbert Lake is one of the first treasures along the Icefield Parkway in Banff National Park. It is a small lake with a dense forest protecting the lake. You will often find spectacular reflections of the trees and mountains on the water. The parking lot is just a couple of kilometres after Lake Louise along highway 93 going north towards Jasper.
Herbert Lake
I played around with the photo in Lightroom a bit to get the desaturated look on the mountains contrasting the green trees.
After our stop at Herbert Lake we continued on along the Icefields Parkway to Mistaya Canyon. The canyon has beautiful curves cut out by Mistaya River. You will find it just south of Saskatchewan Crossing, the hike down to the canyon is only half a kilometre.
Mistaya Canyon
I can’t believe I haven’t stopped by Mistaya Canyon before. Beautiful scenery and lots of different angles to shoot from. It started snowing heavily just 15 minutes after we arrived so I didn’t get to try all the angles. We will have to return at another occasion. I bet it looks way different now covered in snow.
Thanks for stopping by! I’d love to hear what you think about the photos. After I got a new camera all my photos are now captured in RAW format where I take care of the processing myself. Do you use Lightroom or Photoshop for your photos?

Thanks for taking us on this fun adventure, Inger — the scenery is spectacular, and I enjoyed seeing what you’re learning with your new camera. 😀
Thanks Jet! Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Beautiful indeed. (Suzanne)
Thank you Suzanne! Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you.
Really interesting way you in play with the photos in Lightroom! They almost look like watercolors – beautiful!
Thanks a bunch! Lightroom is dangerous – you forget time and suddenly you have spent hours playing around! But it is great fun:) Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you both!
You can say that again! But it is really fun to play with! Happy 2016 to you, too!!
Great place to spend some time.
Most definitely! Thanks for stopping by:)
They are simply wonderful your photos Inger, I like the first,
the effect is stunning. Congratulations.
I wish you a nice weekend.
Thank you very much Hervé! Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
I’ve always loved that silky look in the water that time exposures yield. I also use RAW exclusively when shooting, doing all the post-production in Lightroom (unless I’m doing overt special effects, for which I use Photoshop, then color grading in Lightroom afterward). Great images!! 🙂
Thanks a bunch! I just started learning some Photoshop moves as well, but as you I stick to Lightroom unless I want special effects. So far Lightroom seems to be much faster and easier for basic editing:)
Just fabulous! New camera? YAY! What did you get? I use Lightroom. Have a great weekend!
We got a Nikon D750 – very happy with it so far! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment.
Nice! Merry Christmas!
The photos are stunning – surreal and hypnotic. I keep returning to look at them again and again. Thanks for sharing – I love this virtual travel.😀
Thank you so much for your sweet comment Annika, much appreciated. Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
I love that stretch of highway. You captured it perfectly in your photos!
Thank you so much Darlene! Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Your photos are enough to convince us as well; that this must be one of the most beautiful stretches of road anywhere!
Pictures don’t lie so it has to be true! 🙂 Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
And to you Inger, thank you!
Reblogged this on talktodiana and commented:
In lieu of a Friday Pick, I am reblogging this post by Inger. Check out the glorious views so close to my home. Makes winter look like a ‘not so bad’ thing! <3
Thank you so much for sharing Diana! Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Wow! I’m not sure i have the words to tell you how much I love these photos. Living here I of course see hundreds if not thousands of shots of these views. Truly these are remarkable.
Thank you for your sweet comment Sue! Much appreciated. There is always something new to discover along the parkway. Can’t wait until next time we drive past. Might get some more wintery shots. Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Scenery is out of this world!
Thank you so much! Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Great photos!
Thanks a bunch! Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Spectacular scenery and lovely photos, especially your capture of the smooth milky water.
Thank you so much! Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
What magnificent scenery!
Thank you so much! The scenery never stops to amaze me. Something new to discover here every time. Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Raw or not raw they are beautiful compositions and have a great level of detail and profundity. Thank you ☺
I use Photo Ninja, I tried Lightroom and although more complete and complex actually my photos had an artificial look I didn’t want. Photo Ninja is as powerful but the rendering is natural, even te pixels seems to be less harsh. But that’s just a personal point of view.
Thank you so much for you sweet comment! 🙂 I haven’t heard about Photo Ninja, is it free or do you have to pay for it? Seems to be working for you, your photos are always lovely. Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
It costs 129 dollars, it’s very potent. once you kno how to use it it’s easy, but it’s basic.
These are wonderful! I’ve never stopped at Mistaya, but will next time having seen your photographs. I could never get tired of the drive up to Jasper, it is spectacular.
I agree with you, the drive to Jasper is spectacular. I always look forward to it! Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Stunning photos. I still haven’t shot in the RAW and just now starting to learn Lightroom. Your photos are an inspiration.
Thanks a bunch Ingrid! It is amazing how much an image can improve using raw and lightroom. Knowing the great quality of your photos you probably don’t need lightroom! But if you do my experience is that when you do editing shooting in raw gives better result than trying to edit a jpeg image. But I am far from an expert. Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
What a beautiful place! I really haven’t spent time in Canada. I may have to do that one summer.
Thank you Emilie! It is highly recommended:) Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
That road is still the most beautiful place on the planet for me. You really made wonderful images of Misty Canyon – brings back some fond memories.
We are fully aligned on that – what a place! Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Wooooooow what is this beautiful.I thinl i was siting there houres and houres
Thank you so much! Much appreciated:) Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Beautiful images. Well composed and processed. I also recently upgraded to D750 and even though due to the weather I didn’t have a chance to take it on many trips yet, I’m very happy with the results I got so far. I’m especially excited to try some astro photography.
I’ve been using PS for many years now. I recently also acquired LR as the new CC bundle so I’m learning to incorporate them both in my postprocessing workflow.
Looking forward to see more pics from your new camera. What lenses did you get?
Thank you! We are also very happy with the D750. It gives very good results on high ISOs, much better than our previous camera. A bit heavier, but I can live with that:) We haven’t tried any astro photos, but I am sure it should perform well for that as well, our lenses are probably the limitation. There was a good deal on camera house + Nikkor 24-120 mm f4 so that’s what we got. My understanding is f2.8 is better for astro. We also got the CC bundle, but since I haven’t used Lr or Ph before I decided to start with Lr as it seemed a bit easier for a beginner:)
Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Best wishes for many great adventures in 2016 to you as well.
As stunning as these scenes obviously are, you have a gift in the way you capture them. Gorgeous!
Thank you so much Jennifer for your sweet comment, much appreciated! Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Right back atcha! 🙂
The photos almost look surreal. Gorgeous scenery. The rocky stream reminds me of Watkins Glen State Park. Talk to Diana’s, Diana Schwenk, sent me. 😉
Thank you so much Judy! Watkins Glen State Park must be beautiful:) Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment.
Beautiful places , but beautiful….. water-colours, too! Amazing post!
Much appreciated, thank you for your sweet comment! Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Gorgeous landscapes. Love what you’ve done with the pics! Sadly, I’ve not progressed to Lightroom or Photoshop yet. One day! 🙂
Thank you so much Jane! I’d recommend starting with Lightroom, much easier to use and very good for basic editing:) Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
That area is so beautiful. Lovely images.
I don’t do much tweaking, but when I do, it’s Photoshop.
Thank you! I agree with you, a stunning area:) I just started using Photoshop – and learning a lot of fun you can have in it. A powerful tool. For basic editing however I find Lightroom a bit faster. Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
I like the first picture the most. Those colours! I use Lightroom as well, my photos are much better since, with shooting raw and using tripod even better.
Thanks Maya! I agree, I can definitely see a difference now that I am shooting raw and doing my own processing. And it is fun! 🙂 Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Long tine no see…
Beautiful long exposure shots ! are you happy with your new purchase ?
Welcome back! Hope you are doing well!
I am very happy with the new purchase, and shooting in raw doing the post processing myself is definitely making a difference. Fun, but can be time consuming:)
Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Thank you ! All the best to you as well x
Hello again!! Great shots! Have you used Nikon before? What lens did you use for the first shot?
Nice seeing you guys back again, hope all is well.
This is our first Nikon. There was a good deal on house + lens that we got. Lens is a Nikkor 24-120 mm, but only f4. But the camera performs very good on high ISOs which seems to compensate.
Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Fantastic sceneries,wonderful places to be!Your photos are superb and so impressively treated!Great textures and sharpness as well!Enjoy your holidays dear Inger 🙂
Thank you so much for your sweet comment! The scenery is so beautiful and inspiring along the Icefields Parkway. I am very happy we get to experience it over and over again.
Season’s greetings and all the best for 2016 to you!
Beautiful area and wonderful captures.
Thank you so much for your sweet comment Kath! Much appreciated:)
Gorgeous Photo’s and what a fantastic place.Happy New Year
Thank you so much for your sweet comment! Wish you a Happy New Year as well and looking forward to lots more wonderful nature photos from you!
All the best, Inger
Some of the most beautiful scenery any where in the world…Your photos are just gorgeous.
Thank you so much Charlie! And sorry for the very late reply. This comment must have slipped past. I couldn’t agree more – I was so impressed with Icefields Parkway!
I plan to reblog your post in my blog. Since you have enabled reblogging on your post, I am assuming that you are allowing others to reblog this post. However, if you have any objection to reblogging your post, please let us know as soon as possible. Thank you.
Very inspiring indeed all what you are publishing, as I must now go to Canada next year. My planned route: Québec > New-Foundland > Nunavut, Cape Dorset … It will be an adventure. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to see all these spectacular photographies. Best regards from Berlin @Ulli@
Thank you so much for the lovely comment Ulli! Your planned trip to Canada sounds amazing, would love to do that trip myself:) It will be an adventure for you for sure!
Just got an email from the Canadian arctic Nunavut region, so it seems things are developping in the right direction. Take care!